Ministries and Organizations 2025

Altar Servers     Contact:  Deacon Gary Stemple   910-483-3216    email: 

Altar Servers assist with all weekend Masses, school Masses, and special occasions.  Altar Servers may also serve at weddings and funerals.  Anyone who has received their First Holy Communion in the Catholic Church may receive training become an Altar Server.


Mass Choirs (Sat.@ 5:00 p.m. Mass, Sun.@8:30am, and 11:00 a.m. Mass)  Contact:  Pauline Stemple     910-483-3216    email:

Our Mass Choirs welcomes new singers and musicians alike.  Our style is eclectic with an emphasis on upbeat liturgically appropriate music.  The ensemble consists of acoustic guitars, keyboard, percussion and over 15 members.  New members are always encouraged.  Rehearsals are every Wednesday at 7:00 p.m.


Lectors      Contact:   Karen Estep    910-977-8641 email: 

The ministry of Lector is vital to the life of our parish because it is through the Lector that the Word of God is proclaimed (i.e., "comes alive").  A love for the Scriptures and their meaning in the life of the parish is central to this role.  This is best exhibited in a Lector's study and practice in preparing to proclaim the Word.  It is also revealed in the ability and skill a Lector demonstrates in actually proclaiming the Word at Mass.  A Lector must have both a love for the Scriptures and a love for those who will be listening to that Word.  Any practicing Catholic can serve as a Lector after a period of training and preparation.


Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion     Contact:  Patricia Fortuna      910-391-5139 email: 

An Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, often called an Extraordinary Minister (EM), is a term used in the Roman Catholic Church for members of the laity who have been authorized to distribute Holy Communion to members of the congregation at Mass.  Any practicing Catholic can serve as an EM so long as they have received all Sacraments of Initiation, reached their 18th birthday, and have completed the necessary training.


Children's Liturgy       Contact:  Jennifer Tapia       email: 

Children's Liturgy is offered at the 11:00 a.m. Mass.  Children begin the Mass with their families then leave to read, review, and discuss the Gospel.  The children return before communion begins.  Four to ten year old children are eligible. Children's nursery and babysitting service for children ages one through three is available and supervised by adults from 10:50 a.m. to 12:20 p.m.


Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)       Contact:  Bill Pollitt   910-484-6843   email:

Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults is a program designed for adults interested in knowing about, and possibly becoming, Catholic Christians. It is a program designed to inform adults about the Catholic faith by using the Scriptures as our basis. This program is also for Catholic adults who have not completed all the sacraments of initiation, Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation.  RCIA meets Sunday from 10:00 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. in the school.


Usher/Hospitality        Contact:  Michael Patterson     252-955-8359

Offer help if and when it is needed.  Serve God through service to others.  Place the needs of others above your own.  Invite all to God's house.  Train today for service tomorrow.  Arrive early to welcome others.  Leave the church clean and orderly.  Involve as many others as possible.  Try to be pleasant.  Your church needs you.



Pastoral Council     Contact:  Becky Oskey    910-658-7771 email:

 The Pastoral Council serves in an advisory capacity to the Pastor in fulfilling the parish mission.  The council actively listens to and identifies the needs and concerns of our parishioners and develops a parish plan to respond to those needs.


Finance Council     Contact: Parish Office    email:

The Finance Council offers technical expertise to the parish on fiscal matters including financial systems and procedures, financial reports and financial budgets, plans, and forecasts.  It aids and advises the pastor concerning the administration of parish funds and other assets.


 Safe Environment Training     Contact:  Antony Bishop        email:

Training is conducted annually, or as needed, per Diocesan mandate.  Church and School personnel, as well as volunteers involved in any youth ministries, are mandated to attend.  Training is centered on the safety and protection of youth.  Programs offered include (1) different forms of child abuse; (2) how to recognize and report signs of abuse; and, (3) policies and procedures to prevent abuse.


Social Committee       Contact:   Becky Oskey      910-658-7771      email:

The Social Committee is a collaborative effort to assist the Pastor in coordinating existing programs, proposed programs, and brainstorming new paradigms to bring our community together.


Knights of Columbus        Contact: Christopher Kafel      email:   website:

The Knights are a fraternal brotherhood of catholic brethren bound together in a spiritual and fraternal solidarity.  Every day Knights all over the world are given opportunities to make a difference.  Whether it's through community service, raising money for the parish, or prayer, the Knights work for the betterment of our parish community.  The Knights are celebrated every day for their strength, compassion, and dedication to building a better world.


Altar Rosary Society    Contact:  Pauline Stemple     email:

The Altar Rosary Society is to provide for the needs of the sancturay, give reverence to God through praying the rosary, and engaging in service activites that support the church. 


Arts and Environment Committee    Contact:  Deanna Turner    email: 

The Arts and Environment Committee was established to support and maintain our worship space, gathering space, and social hall.  They plan and implement the liturgical decorations for worship during the various seasons of the liturgical year.  In addition, they decide necessary furnishings and decor needed to support our activities and maintain our buildings.


Grounds & Maintenance Committee    Contact:  Parish Office   910-483-3216  email:   

The Grounds and Maintenance Committee has the responsibility for ensuring that the church, school, and campus are in good repair and in a high state of maintenance.  Landscaping and minor repairs are included with the committee competencies along with a knowledge of the contractors who provide services to the church and school.


Filipino Community      Contact Zeny Bohol    910-424-7298   

The Filipino Community of St. Ann celebrates Mass the second Sunday of each month at 3:00 p.m. followed by a potluck fiesta.  Every other month they celebrate Mass in Tagalog.


Catholic Charities    Contact: Vicky Jimenez     910-424-2020

The mission of Catholic Charities is to assist the parishes, communities and Diocese of Raleigh, in accomplishing the social mission of the church.  In its roles of servant, advocate, facilitator and convener, Catholic Social Ministries acts in the parish and community-at-large to heighten awareness of issues and economic justice as well as addressing immediate needs with emergency resources or direct services.