Faith Formation

Faith Formation is a life-long process which begins within the family and encompasses every aspect of life as the person grows and matures. It is the process by which we develop and grow in our relationship to the Holy Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and learn to live in, and act out, of that relationship. As we grow closer to God the Father and his son, Jesus, we gradually learn to live in and share the love of God through the guidance of the Holy Spirit. This learning to live in the love of God, and according to his Spirit, is not automatic, but rather requires a sincere and on-going effort and commitment to prayer and education in the faith on our part, coupled with the freely given and abundant grace of God. What is the desired end result, the goal? Eternal life, love, joy, peace, what is the first step? 



Although the parents are the first and primary educators of their children in the Catholic faith, formal formation classes are also important, either through the Parish Faith Formation program or St Ann Catholic School. The Parish program consists to two component parts:

  • Children's Ministry (grades Pre-K through 8 grade) 
  • High School Ministry

 Registration for these programs begins in July, with sessions starting the second and third weekends in September. Those moving into the area at other times are encouraged to register upon arrival. 

To obtain a Faith Formation registration form, please click on "2023-2024 Registration Form" below. For those who will be receiving Sacraments (First Communion or Confirmation), a copy of their baptismal certificate must be given to the Director of Faith Formation, which may be obtained by contacting the Church in which the baptism occurred. For more information, please contact the Director of Religious Education at 910-483-3216 or though email at

2024-2025 Faith Formation Registration Form

2024-2025 Faith Formation Calendar


2024-2025 Confirmation / Youth Group Calendar




There are various opportunities for formation as an adult Catholic. Young adults in the Fayetteville area, ages 18-35, gather frequently for faith formation, service and fellowship. For more information about these activities, please visit their website: Fayetteville Young Adult Ministry.

Adults of any age may participate in our parish sponsored formation opportunities, which are listed in our bulletin. Faith Matters is one such offering, and covers Catholic teaching on topics of interest to the participants. Sessions are usually held on Tuesday evenings at 7 pm and Thursday mornings at 10 am (same topic is covered at both sessions). Please see the current bulletin for information on up-coming topics.

The Diocese of Raleigh also offers various workshops and courses. Please visit their adult formation page for more information.

We also have a parish subscription to FORMED, which can be used by any parishioner with a computer. Log in to and enter our parish login information and here you will find educational programs, such as Catholicism by Bishop Robert Barron and others, along with movies and books. We encourage all parishioners to take advantage of these opportunities.

St. Ann Parish also has educational and inspirational CD's available in the Lighthouse Catholic Media kiosk in the gathering space in the Church. These CD's are an excellent and easy way to learn more about your faith will driving to work, exercising or working around the house. The talks are available on CD, or via mp3 downloads from their website. Please click the image below for more information on the many talks and other materials they have available.

Lighthouse Catholic Media